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4 Teams Submit – Statements of Qualifications for Daly Building Project

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

(WASHINGTON, DC) – On Monday, July 9th, Mayor Muriel Bowser’s Office of Public-Private Partnerships (OP3) reached the deadline for responses to the Request for Alternative Proposals - Qualifications (RFAP-Q) for Henry J. Daly Building with 4 proposals received. The Daly Building currently serves as headquarters for the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), and the proposals outline a firm’s qualifications to lead the complete modernization of the aged facility.

“We are very pleased to see so much interest in the rehabilitation of a very important District asset” said OP3 Director Seth Miller Gabriel. “Mayor Bowser has created this unique opportunity for us to execute the first building public-private partnership for the District, and we are committed to selecting the best team possible to ensure the Daly Building is built and maintained efficiently.”

The RFAP-Q, issued on April 24th, 2018, requested interested bidders to share their capabilities, reference past projects, and demonstrate their skills, experience, and qualifications to deliver the full renovation of the over 70-year-old building into a state-of-the-art public safety headquarters with additional space for other District agencies. Renovations are slated to include a full interior and exterior rehabilitation of the historic facility along with replacement or repair of all major systems, security improvements, the inclusion of training space for the department, and reconfigured parking. The project will be managed in coordination with MPD and DGS, the District’s facilities management agency.

As requested in the RFAP-Q, interested bidders provided SOQs describing their team’s qualifications and approach to delivering the Project. Following the District’s evaluation of SOQs this summer, the District will prequalify a number of teams, who will be the only Shortlisted Proposers invited to participate in a subsequent Request for Alternative Proposal (RFAP) process. Only the names of the shortlisted teams will be made public at that time. Specifications are currently under development and will be made available in the RFAP.

Additional information about the project can be found at: