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Office of Public-Private Partnerships

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About OP3

The District of Columbia Office of Public-Private Partnerships (OP3) is charged with building collaborations between the private sector and District government to complete major infrastructure projects and other programs through long-term, performance-based procurements commonly referred to as public-private partnerships, or P3s. The office was established by the Public-Private Partnership Act of 2014 [PDF] to expand the utilization of P3s in the District by streamlining the procurement process, serving as an in-house consultant and liaison between District agencies and private sector partners. OP3’s mission is to deliver infrastructure and other government services sought by District residents with the best value-for-money while also expanding economic opportunities for the District.

OP3 was launched in November 2015 and has developed a pipeline of projects that it intends to develop through competitive, fair and transparent procurements. For more information about OP3, please contact the office at [email protected] or calling (202) 724-2128.

For individual donor, federal and nonprofit grantmaking or philanthropic entities interested in partnering with and/or providing donations, grants or technical assistance to the District government, please contact the Mayor’s Office of Partnerships and Grant Services at or call (202) 727-8901.