Please be advised that the District Department of Transportation (DDOT), in coordination with the Office of Public-Private Partnerships (OP3), will deliver a presentation on the content of the proposed Request for Proposal (RFP) documents for the DC Smart Street Lighting Public-Private Partnership Project. A brief moderated question and answer session will follow via live chat.
The meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, at 5:30 pm. The RFP documents and the link to the virtual meeting can be found on the project site (
The presentation will be recorded ahead of time and posted to DDOT’s YouTube channel.
DDOT will accept comments via mail and email between now and January 15, 2021. Comments may be sent to the following addresses:
Mailing address:
DDOT / ATTN: Streetlight Division
55 M Street SE
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20003
Email address: [email protected]
About the project: The District has more than 75,000 lights installed on our streets, alleys and other public spaces. The lights currently use a variety of inefficient bulb technologies, including incandescent and high-pressure sodium. The District is seeking a private partner to retrofit the lights with more energy-efficient light-emitting diodes (LED), install a remote monitoring and control system, and repair and maintain the fixtures under a long-term performance-based contract. This project will also incorporate smart city technologies, installing wireless access points across the District, improving the DC-NET public WiFi program.
For questions or additional information regarding this notice, please feel free to contact the DDOT Streetlight Division at [email protected].