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Office of Public-Private Partnerships

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Project Profile: Corrections Center

Project Profile: Corrections Treatment Facility

Project Background: The Department of Corrections will seek the design, build, finance, and maintenance (DBFM) of a new corrections center that consolidates existing Correctional Treatment Facility (CTF) and Central Detention Facility (CDF) located at 1901 D Street, SE. The new facility must be able to accommodate the current inmate population, with the flexibility to efficiently adjust for future populations during the lifetime of the facility. This secure environment must include various support services and inmate treatment-related programs and activities (e.g., counseling, substance abuse treatment, education, job training, recreation, religion, work assignments, health and dental care, food service and laundry, among others). The new facility could be located on the existing site or another property owned by the District government or a third party, but continuous availability during the transition between facilities is critical. The DOC’s administrative offices, which are currently housed in the Reeves Center located at 2000 14th Street, NW could also be consolidated into the new facility for more efficient operations to house approximately 80 staff in 20,000 sq. ft. Additionally, the District is considering the potential to house more inmates currently held in out-of-state facilities managed by the Federal Bureau of Prisons.   

District Agencies:

  • Department of Corrections (DOC)
  • Department of General Services (DGS)

Status: Community engagement will be conducted and feedback will be incorporated into the project requirements before OP3 begins procurement.

(Last Updated 10/2/2017)