Public-Private Partnership Act of 2014 [PDF] establishes OP3 and outlines the process by which P3 projects will be procured in the District.
OP3’s Rules and Guidelines and Procedures took effect upon publication in the D.C. Register on October 21, 2016. The Rules implement the P3 Act and outline the process for the development, solicitation, evaluation, award, delivery, and oversight of solicited and unsolicited P3 projects in the District. A more user-friendly version of the Rules, with additional non-binding guidance is provided in the Guidelines and Procedures.
OP3 Rules (Published October 21, 2016) [PDF]
OP3 Emergency and Proposed Rules (Effective January 5, 2018) [PDF]
OP3 Guidelines and Procedures (Published October 21, 2016) [PDF]
The Rules and Guidelines were developed through a transparent and collaborative process that began with the publication of draft versions of those documents on April 29, 2016.
Draft Rules (Published April 29, 2016) [PDF]
Draft Guidelines and Procedures (Published April 29, 2016) [PDF]
The 30-day comment period for the draft Rules and Guidelines closed on May 30, 2016. OP3 appreciates all of the helpful feedback that was provided, which is available for review below. OP3 incorporated many of the ideas that were submitted into a revised version of the Rules, which was submitted to the D.C. Council on June 20, 2016.
Public Comments on Draft Rules and Guidelines and Procedures (Received by May 30, 2016) [PDF]
OP3 Responses to Public Comments (Current as of May 30, 2016) [PDF]
Revised Draft Rules (Submitted to Council for Review June 20, 2016) [PDF]
Following a recent hearing (watch the video here), the Council approved OP3’s Procurement Rules on October 11, 2016. The rules and guidelines will take effect upon publication in the D.C. Register, which will occur in the coming weeks. OP3 can then launch projects and will be open to accept unsolicited proposals after a 30-day period during which we encourage potential proposers to meet with us first. Please sign-up for OP3’s newsletter to get updates on these important milestones.
OP3 Testimony and Presentation to Council (Delivered to Council on September 29, 2016) [PDF]